Dolls, Plush & Miniatures How-Tos

How To: Make urban-style bases for Warhammer 40k miniatures

If you usually wind up playing Warhammer 40k on the same type of board pretty consistently, you should consider spicing up your pieces by giving them bases that look like the sort of terrain your favor. This video will show you how to make an urban environment base for Warhammer 40k miniatures that will make your pieces look that much better. And look account for so much in Warhammer games don't they?

How To: Play Warhammer 40,000 with the basic 5th Edition rules

Warhammer 40,000 is one of the most popular and most derided games on the planet. Very few games are so fun, so harmless, and so beloved, and yet people who play are often labeled nerds and it has never caught in in mainstream America (different story in Europe and Australia, where it's HUGE). If you've been considering playing, you've come to the perfect place. Warhammer 40k is a complex game, but this video series will teach you everything you need to know to start playing. It uses the basi...

How To: Make an Android doll at home

In this tutorial, we learn how to make an Android doll at home. First, print out the Android logo from the internet, making it large enough to make a doll. Now, cut out the print out with scissors cutting out the different sections individually. Next, place the cut outs onto a piece of green felt, then pin it down so it doesn't shift around. Now, cut around the paper so you get the same pattern. After this, cut out all the other parts, making two of the shapes so you have a top and a bottom. ...

How To: Make mud and rubble in a WW2 diorama

In this tutorial, we learn how to make mud and rubble in a WW2 diorama. You can use corks as the rubble after you paint it and rip it into different pieces to make it look like destroyed buildings. You can purchase realistic water and gloss gel medium to look like water that is on the battlefield. If you mix them together with some chunky material, and then add in brown food coloring, it will look like mud. Using these tips and tricks, your diorama can look more realistic and look fantastic! ...

How To: Make a sakura (cherry blossom) from polymer clay

Cherry blossoms aren't just special because they're Bath and Body Works' best-selling scent of all time. No, in addition to their delicate floral smell, cherry blossoms are special because they are the first flower buds to open in spring. Spring officially stars when you see the cherry blossom trees bursting into color, and what a wonderful way to celebrate the new season!

How To: Make a miniature medieval flail

In this video, we learn how to make a miniature medieval flail. You will need: glue, string, scissors, drill, paper, cardboard, paints, masking tape, electrical tape, plastic chain (optional), a brush, and a wooden handle. First, crumple up a couple sheets of paper to make it into a ball. Wrap masking tape around it so it keeps its shape. Next, wrap your string or twine around the ball several times at various angles, tying it each time at the bottom. After this, tape it again with masking ta...

How To: Make a Tyler Oakly inspired rag doll

In this video, we learn how to make a Tyler Oakley inspired rag doll. You will need: an old t-shirt, a needle, felt, googly eyes, pen/pencil, paper, yarn, thread, and scissors. Start out by drawing the body of the doll out on the piece of paper, then cut it out. Now, trace the body shape onto the t-shirt and cut out two of these shapes. Now, take a needle and thread, and sew the two pieces of fabric together, leaving a small opening. Next, fill up the doll and then sew it back together. Now, ...

How To: Properly wash your American Girl doll's hair

In this tutorial, we learn how to properly wash an American Girl doll hair. First, rinse warm water through the doll's hair, then wash the hair with Herbal Essence's hydration shampoo. After this, rinse out the shampoo until there are no more bubbles. Next, place conditioner in the hair, the rinse off the conditioner until it's completely rinsed out. Comb your fingers through the hair so there are no more knots in the hair. When finished, comb out the hair and then blow dry it until there is ...

How To: Insert eyes from the back of a reborn baby doll

In this tutorial, we learn how to insert eyes from the back of a Reborn baby doll. To do this, you will need: a cutting knife, glues, and the correct type of eyes for your baby doll. Start off by cutting the vinyl on the back of the head, using your thumb to push the socket back into the head. After this, cut the bottom half just enough to push the eye through the socket. Insert the eyes into the cuts that you made, letting it sit flush to the vinyl. Look at the front of the doll to make sure...

How To: Make a miniature cherry pie from polymer clay

Learn how to make an polymer clay cherry pie with this free video craft lesson. While this tutorial is best suited for those with some familiarity of polymer clay sculpture, novice sculpters should be able to follow along given a little effort. For specifics, including step-by-step instructions, and to get started crafting your own mini, dollhouse-size cherry pies, take a look.

How To: Make the Domo Kun character from polymer clay

Domo Kun, also affectionately and poignantly known as Domo, is one well off Japanese cartoon character. While he's actually nothing more than Japanese TV show NHK's mascot, this rectangular shaped monster with a need for gobbling up yummy food has his own line of fan merchandise, including plushies, toys, t-shirts, notebooks, and really the list goes on and on. He's also the star of some stop-motion animation episodes by Tsuneo Goda.

How To: Make a miniature baby bottle

In order to make a miniature baby doll bottle to be used in a dollhouse, you will need the following: orange paint, white paint, a paintbrush, and a light bulb from a string of white Christmas lights. The light bulb must be a standard light bulb. It can't be a replacement bulb, because it needs to be clear. The wires do not need to be removed.

How To: Fix American Girl Doll Nicki's hair

You will need to begin by brushing her hair out, in order to remove all of the knots and tangles. Brush it gently. Don't pull it too much. Section the hair. Pin half of her hair up. Then, brush out the lower section. Then, twist curl her hair. Take a small section of her hair and twist it in a one direction. This will make spiral curls. Next, remove half of the hair that it pinned up. Pin the remaining hair. Then, twist curl this section, as you did the lower section. Once you've worked your ...

How To: Use tin foil to stop polymer clay from burning

Learn how to construct a tin-foil tent to prevent your polymer-clay sculptures from burning as they bake. While this tutorial is best suited for those with some familiarity of polymer clay sculpture, novice sculpters should be able to follow along given a little effort. For specifics, including step-by-step instructions, and to get started protecting your own PC creations, watch this video guide.

How To: Remove lint or a burn mark from polymer clay

Learn how to rid polymer clay of lint and burn marks with this free video crafts lesson. While this tutorial is best suited for those with some familiarity of polymer clay sculpture, novice sculpters should be able to follow along given a little effort. For specifics, including step-by-step instructions, and to get started cleaning up your own polymer clay, watch this handy hand-sculpture tutorial.

How To: Make a mini jelly roll for a doll & dollhouse

In this tutorial, we learn how to make a mini jelly roll. First, take your baby syringe and add in clear caulk then add in red food coloring and mix together with a toothpick. Now take some white and red clay and lay them on top of each other, then roll them out and square out the ends. Now, roll them together and cut them into small wheels so they look like jelly rolls. Add some of the jelly you made to the jelly roll and you're finished! You can place these on mini plates you have made and ...

How To: Make bubbles for a miniature bathtub

In order to make bubbles for a miniature bathtub, you will need Amazing Casting Resin, Triple Thick, micro marbles/decorative beads, a dollhouse tub, and a miniature rubber ducky. You can purchase it in hobby stores: e.g. Hobby Lobby. Open it. Mix it well, according to the package. Poor it into the dollhouse tub. Allow the resin to set. It takes about 1 minute.