Dolls, Plush & Miniatures How-Tos

How To: Do an uneven 3 strand braid on your American Girl doll

Follow this video to learn how to make an innovative hair style for your American Girl doll. Brush the doll's hair neatly. Then pick up some of her hair on one side and tie with a hair band at the top corner of her head. You will have made sort of a little ponytail at the side. After doing so make a braid out of that small pony tail. You will have a cute and different look for your doll's hair in little time.

How To: Do a basic braid on your American Girl doll

This quick video will show you how to do a basic braid on your American Girl doll. Follow these easy steps to do a basic braid for your American Girl doll: Put the hair into a ponytail and split into three sections. Take the outside section and put it over the middle section, then take the other outside section and put it over the middle section. Repeat this till you get close to the bottom of the hair. Put in a rubber a rubber band and you are all done!

How To: Make miniature raviolli out of polymer clay

This video shows how to make a very realistic looking bowl of ravioli out of polymer clay, to be used in a doll house. She starts with flesh tone clay and uses a piece of plastic needlepoint to press the pattern of square ravioli into the clay. She trims off the edges and then cuts out the tiny ravioli. She uses the fluted edge of a toothpaste tube to imprint the edges of the ravioli. She uses a mixture of liquid polymer clay and red and brown pastel chalk to make the sauce. She puts the ravi...

How To: Make fairy wings

Feel like getting crafty? In this 8-part video tutorial, learn how to create the perfect pair of mini fairy wings, approximately 6 inches wide. Also included within these videos is how to make realistic-looking bat and dragon wings. To complete this project, you will need cellophane, plastic coated wire, acrylic paints, polyester glitter, and a glue gun. Add these wings to a doll or a wall craft for the perfect mystical embellishment!

How To: Make miniature tacos

This great video from Garden of Imagination shows you how to create mini tacos from polymer clay. Perfect for your dollhouse, or dolls, these detailed miniature gems are deliciously real look but only mini. This excellent video shows you everything you need to know to create your wonderful mini tacos for your dolls taco night. They take some time and patience but everyone will be raving about your special mini tacos out of polymer clay. They look so real almost good enough to eat.

How To: Make miniature Valentine swirl truffles

This video teaches the viewer how to make miniature Valentine swirl truffles. The most important thing to be kept in mind is that the two colors of clay being used should be of contrasting shades. The author of the video takes the viewer through a detailed, step-by-step process of making miniature swirl truffles out of polymer clay. According to the author, one can use translucent clay sheets too, but that is not a very good idea because the translucent one gets visually overlapped by the dar...

How To: Make a miniature cream puff

The people at Garden of Imagination demonstrate how to make a miniature cream puff. Using a mixture of polymer clay, clay icing, pastel paints and a variety of tools, including a paintbrush, a scalpel, and tweezers, a miniature cream puff is born. This mini item is perfect for any number of occasions. When used in combination with other mini foods and pieces, it makes a cute and cheap decorative item. Creating a tiny and affordable State Fair has never been easier!

How To: Use a polymer clay extruder

This video host explains how to make different shapes and size of polymer clay and also show that the new extruder is better and less effortless than older one. The host shows a sample how to make a colorful square rod with two types of polymer clay. She also gives some useful tips on how to make different clay shapes and stuff. She also shows which equipment are necessary to make a square shape multicolor rod. If you are looking for ideas to work on with your polymer clay, this video is for ...

How To: Reroot Blythe Doll hair

This is a tutorial on Rerooting Blythe Doll Hair from the CRAFT Video Podcast. Blythe dolls are great for making three-dimensional self portraits. There is an enormous community of customizers working with the Blythe Doll. One of the main online sources for customization is Puchi Collective, which houses oodles of tops for changing her eyechips, face makeup, and clothes.

How To: Paint a Warhammer 40K Space Marine Workstation

When doing a quality job of painting the miniatures for a Warhammer 40K game, it can be expensive to get the right equipment, but the end result is worth it. This how-to video shows how to choose the right tools and offers some tips for painting a Space Marine Workstation. Follow along with this video tutorial and learn how to paint a Warhammer 40K Space Marine Workstation.

How To: Set eyes into a reborn baby doll

When building a reborn doll, you have an array of options for how to put the baby together. This how-to video demonstrates the process of putting eyes into a reborn baby doll. You will need the reborn baby doll head, a setting tool, and the eyes that are being installed. Watch this video doll-making tutorial and learn how to set eyes into a reborn baby.

How To: Add rust to Warhammer 40k industrial park pieces

Using a paint called "Sophisticated Finishes," a rust effect can be added to Warhammer 40K terrain pieces. If you want to be serious about Warhammer, or any other war gaming, you'll want to have the most realistic battlefield possible. Watch this video miniature-making tutorial and learn how to age and rust industrial park pieces for a good war game terrain for Warhammer 40K action figures.

How To: Build a big hill bunker terrain for Warhammer 40K

If you want to be serious about playing Warhammer 40K, you're going to need to have a decent looking terrain. Playing with the miniature army on your bed or the living room floor lacks the realistic feel that a terrain can create. This video hobby tutorial shows how to build a big hill bunker terrain for the Warhammer 40K figures to hide out in and regroup between battles. Watch and get your army ready for war.

How To: Change a Blythe doll eyechip eyeball

This video demonstrates a method used for changing blythe doll eyechips. Blythe dolls, discontinued for lack of interest, have found some popularity in the collector's market, and are notable for eyes that change color with the tug of a string. Watch this hobby how-to video and learn how to change the eyeball eyechip on a blythe doll.

How To: Make a Muppet

This instructional video demonstrates how to make a Muppet style puppet. You will need markers, scissors, tape, a hot glue gun, spray paint, spare fabric and foam, and two ping pong balls for the eyes. Make a Muppet.

How To: Use wood for building miniatures rather than foam

Watch this instructional model making video to learn some of the pros and cons of making miniature game terrains out of wood. The wood models are certainly more durable, but they take a lot of work to build. The foam models go rather quickly and can take on more naturalistic contours. It's possile to coat wooden miniatures in plaster and texture for similar effects. Wooden miniatures are certainly more durable as outdoor and garden pieces.

How To: Make miniature tile flooring at 15mm scale

Watch this instructional model making video to make miniature plaster tile flooring for war game terrain. Add a thin layer of plaster for a smooth level floor for your game piece or diorama. The layer of plaster simulates concrete as is, or you can etch in tiles while the plaster is slightly damp. Make convincing walls and flooring for doll houses, dioramas, Warhammer and war games.

How To: Build war game terrain with foam

Watch this instructional model making video to begin making war game terrain out of foam. This video introduces different types of foam and the varying strengths of high density foam. It's also possible to cast plaster molds with foam. Use foam as the basic structure for war games terrains, model railroads, architectural models and miniature dioramas.

How To: Make rubber molds of rocks and castle walls

Watch this instructional model making video to cast your own rubber molds for dioramas and model railroads. You can custom design terrain features this way. You will have your own molds for casting. If you are making large dioramas this will also save you money. Use rubber molds to cast rocks and miniatures castle walls for game terrain, doll houses and dioramas.

How To: Make miniature trees for dioramas

Here is a quick and easy tutorial on making miniature trees. Watch this instructional model making video to get started with the traditional method using Woodland Scenics and learn some alternatives using found materials like wire and scouring pads. They look great and are perfect for dioramas, doll houses, and model railroads.

How To: Make repairs on miniatures

Do you actually play with your miniatures? Well, if you do they probably take a little wear and tear. However most miniatures can be easily repaired. If your model has a pink/blue foam base you can usually repair it with some spray glue and a hidden toothpick brace. With these simple tips you can repair miniature dioramas, architectural models, doll houses Warhammer pieces and game terrain.

How To: Create solid water for miniature dioramas and models

You can paint your plaster blue and coat it with a gloss, but there are easier ways to make artificial water for miniature dioramas, architectural models and war game terrain. Easy Water is a product made up of small plastic pellets that need to be melted and poured onto the model. You cannot use this on styrofoam, obviously. This instructional video provides some alternative methods for creating water effects on miniature dioramas.

How To: Gather tools for building miniatures

Here are some of necessary the tools for hobby crafting and diorama making. This model maker uses wood rasps, sanding pencils, wire cutters, small pliers, a box cutter, a wood carving knife, and a Japanese pull saw. When building miniatures you may find yourself making your own tools or finding useful sculpting aids around the house. Occasionally, a wood burning gun can help you achieve detail for tiny window shutters and other fine work.